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 Kota Bharu Tourism Information

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ℹ️ Introduction 

Kota Bharu, Malaysia’s northernmost major city in the state of Kelantan, can often just be a blip on traveller’s radars as they move on to Perhentian Islands and sights further south. This is a shame as there are plenty of activities in Kota Bharu if you have a little more time on your hands.

While Kota Bharu tourist attractions may be low key, this is a nice city to visit where you can see another slice of Malaysia with its traditional Malay heritage and primarily devout Muslim population. Being close to the Thai border, there are also slices of Thai culture around here too.

It’s a city of over 300,000 people which gives it a good energy while still having a compact centre. It definitely has a different feel than other Malaysian cities as this bigger Muslim influence is evident.

Most of the best things to do in Kota Bharu are located within walking distance to each other meaning that even if you only have a day, you can still see many of the places to visit in Kota Bharu, Kelantan.

There are also some good day trip options here with traditional Malay villages nearby as well as Thai Buddhist temples. It’s also a fun place to get to via the jungle railway which can take you all the way from Johor Bahru.

Below, I share what to do in Kota Bharu, Kelantan as well as tips on where to stay in Kota Bharu, how to get there and how to get around. There is also a map of the Kota Bharu attractions and I share a one day itinerary you can do if you don’t have much time in Kota Bharu.

Regardless of how much time you have, things to do Kota Bharu are more plentiful than you might think! To help set you in the right direction, I’ve put together this itinerary Kota Bharu to help you find your way around, along with tips for visiting Kota Bharu and the best hotels in Kota Bharu that I recommend.

⛅️ Climate and Temperature  🌡️

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🚇 Transport 

Kota Bharu is quite easy to get to since it is a major city for this part of Malaysia.

There is an airport with daily flights from Kuala Lumpur and Penang as well as regular flights to Kuching, Kota Kinabalu, Melaka and Singapore. You can search for flights here.

There are direct buses from many parts of Malaysia which you can search for here.

A more exciting way to get to Kota Bharu is via the jungle railway. The nearest station is around 10 kilometres away at Wakaf Baharu. The train starts in Johor Bahru and travels through Malaysia’s interior. You can also take a train from Kuala Lumpur and change in Gemas to the jungle railway.

Click here to see the jungle trains route, the schedule and latest prices.

If you are coming to or from the Perhentian Islands, read our detailed guide for how to get there by clicking here. If you are coming from Kuala Lumpur, read our detailed guide here.

Getting Around Kota Bharu

There is a decent bus system in Kota Bharu that will get you to most attractions, although it is much easier to get taxis. Use the Grab phone app to order one and set the price.

Many of the attractions are within walking distance to each other so you can cover off many attractions on this things to do list without needing transport once you are in the centre.

🍴 Food and Drink  🍹

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🏰 What to see and do ?

Note that most attractions in Kota Bharu are closed on Friday. Most museums are open 8:45am – 4:45pm daily except Fridays at time of publishing. They tend to be simple affairs, but you’ll still find a good choice of Kota Bharu things to do for a day or two. 

Many of the interesting places in Kota Bharu revolve around history and culture, and it’s a great place to learn about Malay culture, shop for regional Kelantan handicrafts, or learn more about the Islamic culture of the region. There are also some contemporary cafes and restaurants, plus you shouldn’t miss the Kota Bharu street art scene!

  • Istana Jahar Museum: This is the best museum attraction in Kota Bharu where you can learn about Kelantanese ritual and crafts. You can learn about batik weaving, jewellery, clothing and ceremonies such as weddings, funerals and circumcision. You can also see old weapons and a long boat. It’s an interesting place and it’s housed in a gorgeous traditional building built in 1887, and definitely a contender for the best place in Kota Bharu for history. I could have spent an hour or two here reading about the ceremonies.

Central Market: Located close to the museums listed above, the Central Market is worth a stop as it’s one of the most colourful in Malaysia! Early morning is the best time when it’s likely to be most active. Although it’s far from a tourist attraction or one of the typical places of interest in Kota Bharu, it was one of the best markets we have seen in this part of Malaysia and a great place to soak up the atmosphere.

Downstairs is all about fresh produce whereas upstairs you can find batik, spice and home wares. There is also a great array of food stalls if you are hungry.

There is particularly a great area to sit down and enjoy some lunch in the street between the Central Market and the Bazaar next door. We had a great meal here!

Open daily 7am – 6pm but it’s best to visit before noon.

Street Art: If history is not you’re thing and you’re in search of things to do in Kota Bahru, then the Streetart Gallery is worth adding to your list of what to see in Kota Bharu – as the street art Kota Bharu is well worth a look.

Located between several connecting alley ways between Jalan Ismail and Jalan Dato Pati (see map below) are these impressions of both happy images of locals living and working and the surrounding jungle as well as pictures of the suffering and conflict in the Middle East.

It’s worth the short walk from the markets and museums.

We also found a second alley with street art close to the main bus station. It runs parallel to the bus station a few blocks away when walking towards Istana Jahar.

Both alleys had bird tweets playing on speakers. 

Pantai Cahaya Bulan (Moonlight Beach): If you would like some beach time and are looking for more Kelantan things to do, then Pantai Cahaya Bulan is your best choice close to Kota Bharu. It’s about a 30 minute drive from downtown Kota Bharu and, while a nice stretch, there are problems with sand erosion.

If you are heading to other beach areas, I would give it a miss unless you want a good seafood lunch as this is a good place for one. The beach is nice but there are many much nicer beaches on the Perhentian Islands if that’s where you’re headed, or on other parts of the mainland.

Wat Machimmaram: For an excellent half day or full day trip from Kota Bharu, I highly recommend visiting the Tumpat temple area north of Kota Bharu bordering Thailand.

There are numerous Thai Buddhist temples here as well as picturesque villages. It’s an interesting mix of Thai, Malay and Chinese influences.

The best way to visit is via a day tour that your accommodation or the Kota Bharu information centre can organise. Otherwise, you can hire a taxi for a half day or full day to drive you around to the temples of your choice.

The best starting point is Wat Machimmaram. This 50 metre high seated Buddha makes for quite a sight. Inside the temple are murals in both Chinese and Thai style as are the designs of the temple compound. There is also a turtle pond, amulet shop and food and drinks.

Kota Bharu Night Market: This city isn’t known for its nightlife so the best option for what to do in Kota Bharu at night is definitely this night market! Located a couple of blocks from the central market and open every night, this is the best place to try the local food and grab some tasty bargains!

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✔️Tip: The 

❗Attention:  The

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💭 Suggestion

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🌃 Nightlife

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🛍️  Shopping

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🛌 Accommodation

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⏳ How long to stay?

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